
The New Earth Fund
Founding The Future
The New Earth Fund
Founding The Future
The New Earth Fund
Founding The Future
The New Earth Fund
Founding The Future
The New Earth Fund
Founding The Future
The New Earth Fund
Founding The Future
The New Earth Fund
Founding The Future
The New Earth Fund
Founding The Future
The New Earth Fund
Founding The Future
The New Earth Fund
Founding The Future
The New Earth Fund
Founding The Future
The New Earth Fund
Founding The Future
The New Earth Fund
Founding The Future
The New Earth Fund
Founding The Future

Why The New
Earth Fund?

We started the New Earth Fund in service to what we are witnessing in the evolution of humanity on the planet.


Half of Americans struggle with chronic illness. An additional 20% of Americans struggle with mental health, neither of which can be healed solely through pill-popping.

We think the future lies in holistic care at scale.


Half a million teachers have left the profession since 2020 - if this keeps up at the same rate, in seven years there will be no teachers. College enrollment is also declining.

We believe that decentralized, community-based experiential learning, paired with AI, is the future.

Future of Work

In 2022, during the “Great Resignation,” a record 4.5 million workers each month — about 3% of the U.S. workforce — were quitting their jobs. In 2024, even more people than that are considering leaving their jobs.

We believe that the future of work will center purpose and culture, and that new industries like the creator economy will continue to grow.


A record-high number of Americans (39%), say they don't trust mass media at all, and even when it comes to social media, there are numerous advisories about the negative effects that it has on the youth.

We believe in ethical, decentralized news, entertainment, and social media.

Circular Economy

11 million metric tons of plastic enter the ocean every year, the equivalent of a garbage truck full of plastic every minute.

We believe in a zero waste and zero plastic world, made possible by having fully compostable materials and transparent sourcing.

Food Systems

Of 900 million arable acres in the U.S., only about 1.5% is being farmed regeneratively, affecting soil and climate resiliency.

We center soil and bees, and strive toward fully decentralized, regenerative food systems.

The evidence
is clear

The evidence is clear. The systems we have built in the past, and upon which current society operates, are no longer serving us. It is time to shift toward new systems of industry that create true value for all stakeholders, including all human beings and the Earth itself.

And through artificial intelligence, we finally have the tools to help facilitate the shift of power away from centralized institutions and back into the hands of the people. This is one way this technology can rightly be put to use.

Why Venture

In our current system, the power is stored in capital. The financial system controls the movement and access of this capital, shaping how our industries are designed, how they move, how they evolve.

VC is a microcosm of the larger financial system. A lever is a rigid bar that rests on a pivot used to help move a heavy or firmly fixed load. The lever is relatively small to what it’s moving, but because of its positioning, it can create massive shifts with minimal effort.

VC is a perfectly positioned lever to transform our industries.

This is because tech-enabled solutions can scale fast. Tech ventures are also the ones that define our modern culture and systems, as we see with Google, Meta, and others. AI is the newest wave of exponential tech, but this time, let’s use it with a lot of wisdom and foresight.

And founders, particularly purpose-driven founders, are still the most brilliant and determined individuals of our time, who are standing up to solve age-old problems and creating the frameworks of the new paradigm.

Why the United States and emerging markets?

America is the cultural, economic, and political power that influences the entire world, in both positive and negative ways. Therefore, just like venture capital is the lever that has the potential to make the most impact out of all the asset classes of the financial sector, America is the lever of historical cultural, political, economic power with the most potential to shape the new era on the planet.

Emerging markets are some of the fastest growing economies and new power hubs where new systems can easily take root and prosper.

The New Earth Fund places 80% of its investments in the U.S. and 20% in emerging markets, specifically India, Africa, and LATAM.